nofdp IDSS

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nofdp Workshops

1. Workshop on hydro-ecological modelling of riverine organisms and habitats, ecological processes and functions

6–7 June 2005, 'sHertogenbosch, The Netherlands

Results of the workshop, English PDF, 60kb

2. International Workshop: Creating decision support for water managers and policy makers

11–13 October 2005, Vught, The Netherlands

Results of the workshop, English PDF, 2.7mb

3. International Workshop: How to evaluate and communicate issues of spatial planning, ecology and flood management: Identifying a multi-disciplinary approach

15–17 May 2006, Koblenz, Germany

Key findings and main conclusions, English PDF, 3.9mb

4. 2nd nofdp IDSS end-user Workshop

7 November 2006, Cologne, Germany

Feedback and key findings, English PDF, 1.6mb