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Diploma Theses

1. Selection of models for the development of the Information and Decision Support System (IDSS) for the EU-Interreg-IIIB-Project:
nature oriented flood damage prevention

Diploma Thesis, English PDF, 4.5mb

2. Ermittlung der Retentionspotentiale im Einzugsgebiet
der Mümling unter Verwendung hydraulischer Verfahren

Diploma Thesis, German PDF, 4.5mb

3. Concept of an Information and Decision Support System
applied to the EU Interreg IIIB funded project:
nature-oriented flood damage prevention

Diploma Thesis, English PDF, 4.5mb

4. Development of a GIS-based hydraulic-ecological model
to describe the interaction between floodplain vegetation
and riverine hydraulics

Diploma Thesis, English PDF, 4.5mb

5. Urban floodplain management in Europe and America
Related to flood damage provention:
a few examples and strategies compared

Diploma Thesis, English PDF, 4.5mb